Kapayapaan (Governance)
  • 01 August, 2024


“Kapayapaan,” focuses on establishing a harmonious and supportive governance environment for innovators and inventors, recognizing the pivotal role that effective policies and institutions play in nurturing creativity and progress. By implementing these programs, the Imbentor Party-List aims to create a peaceful and conducive environment where inventors and innovators can thrive and contribute significantly to the nation’s development.


Championing House Bills to Support Innovators and Inventors. Advocate for and actively endorsing legislative proposals within the House of Representatives that aim to create a conducive and supportive environment for individuals involved in innovation and invention. This advocacy encompasses a range of initiatives, from proposing new laws and amendments to existing ones to address the specific needs and challenges faced by innovators and inventors. The focus is on crafting comprehensive legislation that addresses issues such as access to funding, intellectual property protection, research and development incentives, social protection, recognition and awards, institutional structures, and the overall promotion of innovation culture. By championing these house bills, there is a commitment to engaging with lawmakers, building consensus, and leveraging legislative powers to create a robust legal framework that empowers and accelerates the growth of the innovation sector, ensuring that inventors and innovators have the necessary support to thrive and contribute meaningfully to national development.

Recognition of National Inventors in Malacanang. Recognize and honor outstanding inventors through a national program that celebrates their contributions to innovation. Provide financial incentives and public recognition to exceptional living and posthumous inventors to inspire the young generation.

Establishment of the National Academy of Filipino Inventors (NAFI). Establish the Academy of Filipino Inventors, a prestigious institution show- casing the best inventors from every region. Tis shall be modeled after esteemed bodies, like the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), ensuring rigorous standards and recognition for inventors who have significantly impacted their fields.

Innovation-Friendly Policies. Enact policies that explicitly support and encourage innovation, streamlining bureaucratic processes and reducing red tape for inventors. Establish a legal framework that protects intellectual property rights, fostering a conducive environment for inventors to bring their ideas to market.

Removal of Innovation Hurdles. Introduce penalties for institutions or entities that inhibit innovation, creating a disincentive for practices that stifle creativity.

Innovation Advocacy Campaign. Launch a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about the importance of innovation and inventions in national development. This can be done in collaboration with educational institutions, businesses, and communities to promote a culture that values and encourages innovative thinking.

Innovation Impact Assessment Report. Implement a systematic evaluation of the impact of innovation policies, ensuring that they effectively contribute to the nation’s progress. Oversee the regularly review and update policies based on feedback from inventors and the evolving landscape of innovation through line Agencies, such as NEDA, DOST, DTI, DA, CHED, and TESDA.

Key Performance Indicators and Targets

Championing House Bills to Support Innovators and Inventors3 house bills authored
Recognition of National Inventors in Malacanang3 awarded
Establishment of the National Academy of Filipino Inventors (NAFI)100 reported members with pension plans
Innovation-Friendly Policies3 laws reviewed and audited
Removal of Innovation Hurdles100 entities examined and pivoted
Innovation Advocacy Campaign100 reported campaigns by various institutions
Innovation Impact Assessment ReportAnnual impact assessment reported